A Circus-Themed Birthday Party

Happy Monday Friends!

Hope you all had a very wonderful weekend! Thanks SO much for bearing with me while I took a little break from blogging last week! We spent the week ripping out our linoleum, installing tile flooring and had company for 4 days! So, amidst all the reno-mess and tiling supplies, we enjoyed many delicious meals, lots of pots of tea and so much wonderful visiting! It was a fabulous week but now I am excited to share some things I’ve been working on!

First up, is a Circus themed birthday party we had for our little man! I must tell you first off though, the quality of pictures are not outstanding! I hadn’t planned on sharing his party, but I’ve had few people ask me to share it, so I thought why not! 
    Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

The party planning for this party actually started waaay back in the summertime! I was perusing the aisles at Michaels, one of my  favorite stores ever, and found all these circus-themed party décor for 50cents a package! I couldn’t help but think ahead to our son’s birthday, even though it was a few months down the road! I bought plates, cupcake wrappers, treat bags, a party banner, a mini birthday cake banner, photo props, invitations and water bottle lables, etc.

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

Here are some of the photo props we had! There was two bags of them… one geared more towards girls and one towards boys! Our son and his friends LOVED them! They were a huuge hit and it was no problem making the kids pose and smile when they had these fun decorations to say “cheese” with!

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

The treat bags were some of the cutest I’ve ever seen! I love the big circle flap they had to close them… you’ll see it better in the next picture!

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

One of my favorite parts of the birthday party planning is filling the treat bags. All of the goodies were from Michaels (you’re totally shocked, right??) A few weekends ago, some of the dollar bins were 40% off and then there was a coupon for an additional 25% coupon that was good for sale items so I scored some super deals! Our kids are soo into Old Maid, Go Fish and other children’s card games and I thought these were super cute to add to the treat bags!

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

We attached the water bottle labels to cups instead! And that little tags for the straws were a super cute touch too!

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

These cupcake wrappers were the cutest! So colourful and fun! And those clowns brought smiles to everyone’s faces!

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

The cupcakes were made by my favorite baker… my husband! His buttercream icing is out of this world; the best I’ve ever tasted!

Circus-themed birthday party at www.joyinourhome.com

And one more, just cause I think they were so pretty! Wish you could just reach out and help yourself to one!

Hope you enjoyed these pictures! It was a total hit with our son and all his friends. So much so that our daughter has her heart set on a circus themed party too! LOL! We’ll see how many times she changes her mind until her fall birthday 😉

I want to say a huuuge thank you to Michaels for hitting it out of the park (or should I say the circus tent) with such fun party décor! And be sure to stop by again… I’m hoping to share a couple recipes from the party food!

Thanks so much for coming by friends!










  1. Sydney @ Tastefully Frugal says:

    Kendra this party looks so fun! I love all the Barnum and Bailey details. I hope your son had a great birthday… and with all these fun things I can’t see why he wouldn’t. And I LOVE those cupcakes… could I possibly get that recipe…please 🙂

    • Kendra says:

      Thanks so much Sydney! Our little man had a blast and so did all his friends! For sure, I’ll share the recipe with you! It’s the best and the one we always use! Thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂

  2. Lisa at Texas Decor says:

    Looks like it was a fabulous birthday party! I’ve never seen water bottle labels, I’ll definitely have to look for those in the future. I love how you put them on the cups instead. The cupcakes look delicious too! I’m sure your son had a fun time! Michael’s is the best for party supplies! 🙂

  3. Vicki and Jennifer says:

    How colorful and festive! Your son is one lucky boy to have such a creative mom! Great job.

    I would normally say, so great to take a blogging break to recharge your batteries…but it sounds like you’ve had your hands full

  4. Christine says:

    Hi Kendra and thanks so much for commenting on my eclectic entry. I am sooo behind with my blog reading….there are just not enough hours in the day!!!! Love your party theme, the cup cake holders are adorbs!!!! Christine from Little Brags

    • Kendra says:

      Thanks Christine! I completely understand! Gone are the days where I can daily read allll my favourite blogs! 😉 Hope you’re having a wonderful week and thanks SO much for stopping by! xo

    • Kendra says:

      Thanks so much Amanda! He absolutely loved it! We were in Walmart on Saturday when our daughter saw some Olaf party decorations… so yes, she’s changed her mind 😉 lol! But was quick to say that her birthday after this one will be circus for sure! Thanks for coming by, friend!

  5. Nici says:

    What a fantastic score! Love how you thought ahead and purchased those items when you saw them on sale. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a good deal and passed it by, only to regret it months later. Sounds like a fun time was had by all. Thanks for sharing at my Creative Ways Link Party! Hope you’ll be back this week with more great posts!

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