Happy Monthly DIY Challenge Day friends!
If this is your first time visiting my blog, you might be wondering what our Monthly Challenge is. For the past few years, a few of my fabulous blogging friends and I get together on the second Wednesday of each month and create something using the same material or theme. In the past, we’ve done crates, stencils, and clear Christmas ornaments, to name a few. #monthlydiychallenge
When I saw this month’s theme was reclaimed wood, I was very excited! I think it’s pretty safe to say that any DIYer has a humongous nice size pile of scrap wood that could be tossed in the garbage but we’d never dare do that! Cause there’s just hundreds of projects waiting to be built!
I had a couple of really neat projects in mind but my circumstances just didn’t allow for those projects. You see, if you remember, we’ve been out of our home for 3 months now. We’ve stayed in 4 different places and let’s just say, quite a bit of time has been devoted to packing and unpacking our suitcases.
I can truly say I will appreciate our.home.so.much once it’s ready to move back.
So I had this idea for a star that I could put on our fireplace but then remembered our garage is all packed up and we don’t have a saw or tools to cut it. My parent’s neighbor helpfully cut it for me but used thicker wood than what I had originally wanted. If I made another one, I’d also make the angles tighter to resemble the more traditional star look.
Nevertheless, I’m thankful for the help of a neighbor when I was at a complete loss of what to share using reclaimed wood. Cause all wood needs a saw, right?
I won’t be sharing a tutorial for this one since I didn’t personally make it but love how pretty a simple wreath from Michaels makes it.
Here’s another super quick and easy Towel Hanger I did last year using reclaimed wood.
It has been challenging to keep posting on my blog while living in a rental home, living out of a suitcase and not having any of our own stuff to create with. Thanks SO much, friends for bearing with me!! I have many exciting things in the works for December and can’t wait to share them with you! Two more weeks and we’ll be HOME!
Thanks so much for stopping by today! I appreciate it so much…

Oh I love the star, Kendra! So sweet a neighbor helped you out. Hope you’re back in your home soon 🙂
Thank you so much, friend! Always appreciate you stopping by! xo
SO, SO cute Kendra!!! LOVE it!
Thank you so much, friend! xo
Super super cute project Kendra, I love the little wreath in the middle!!!!
Thank you so much, friend! So glad you stopped by! xo
I know it’s not quite what you envisioned, but I really do love this star! I love the chunky look – it’s perfectly rustic and farmhousey 🙂
Thank you, Erica! Love how you always see the positive! Appreciate it!
This is adorable, Kendra! I want one for my Christmas decor!
Thank you, Bre! Wish I could mail one to you! xo
So cute! I love the unique shape of this star!
Thank you, Bre! I appreciate it!
I love it, Kendra! It might not be how you originally envisioned it, but it turned out SO cute anyway!!!!
Thank you so much, Nicole! xo Hope you have a great week!