Happy New Year, dear friends!
I titled this post “Top 10 posts of 2018” but I think I should’ve titled it “thank YOU, my dear readers” instead!!
Honestly, without YOU choosing to stop by my blog, leaving comments, following along on Instagram and Pinterest, this little blog wouldn’t be possible. There would be no reason to write. No reason to spend hours photographing, documenting and writing these posts. But you guys make it worth it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along! It really does make a difference for me!
Where has this year gone? It feels like yesterday that we were packing for Mexico, making memories and exploring the Caribbean, summer holidays were just starting, we were looking forward to days at the lake and then taking back to school pictures. Somehow, Thanksgiving has whizzed by and Christmas has come and gone and now we’re welcoming 2019!
2018 really was a wonderful year for our little family. Full of happiness, new memories, blessings, closer relationships, new friends and a deeper appreciation for the goodness of God. Of course, it’s not without tears and trials, but I feel that together and with God as the center of our family, we can use those hardships to grow individually and as a family.
It’s always fun to look back on my little blog and see what you, my readers, enjoy reading the most. I always take it into consideration when it comes time to planning for the next year and what I’ll be sharing on Joy In Our Home.
So I thought I’d share the top 10 most popular posts of the past year starting with number 10 and counting down…
10. An Outdoor Mother’s Day Tablescape
I’m so glad this post made it into the top 10 because I had so much fun creating it. I joined a few of my blogging friends and we all shared some tablescapes just in time for Mother’s Day. And just in case you’re wondering, yes, we absolutely enjoyed supper around it! 🙂
9. Dining Room Buffet Makeover
I feel like this beast should’ve taken the number 1 spot! lol! My sister had wanted to repaint it for her dining room and I wish I would’ve counted how many layers of paint I sanded off! Nevertheless, it looks SO much better than before!
8. 10 Beautiful Farmhouse Kitchens
I guess you all love kitchens as much as I do! I always say they’re my favorite room in a house and it was fun sharing all these beauties!
Who doesn’t love oreos?! Especially homemade ones! Be sure to “pin” these delicious cookies to make for Valentine’s Day this year!
6. Our Fall Fireplace and Mantel
I always love sharing our fireplace because it was one of our very first DIYs my husband and I tackled when we bought this home. Sometimes I still can’t believe we started with such a big project but it just goes to show you with a whole lot of sweat, hark work and do it yourselfing, there’s no limit to what you can do! Friends, if we can do it, so can you!!! Check out the before pictures of our fireplace transformation.
5. Simple Farmhouse Christmas TourThis post was only on my blog for a few weeks and yet it made it to the fifth most popular post! It makes me so happy you all love the simplicity of our home as we decorate it for the season. It’s not over the top, extravagant and we certainly don’t go out and buy a bunch of new décor every season. We made so many good memories this month and be sure to stop by and see our home tour if you haven’t already. 🙂
4. DIY Embroidery Hoops for Spring
Sometimes the simplest DIYs are the best! And these little hoops are just that! So easy to create and add the perfect touch of spring to your home!
3. Spring Coffee Table Vignettes
As much as this girl loves winter, it was very exciting to welcome warmer weather and create some spring vignettes around our home. I love sharing how most of the items I use are thrifted or pieces I’ve redone. I love reminding my readers that seasonal décor doesn’t have to cost a lot!
2. Summer Vignettes Around Our Home
Another post that was filled with pretty florals and all about adding a few pops of color for summer!
and the most popular post of 2018 on Joy In Our Home was A Farmhouse Fall Home Tour
I guess that officially means you all love home tours! 😉 This was one of my favorites and
Happiest New Year, dear friends! I wish you each a happy year filled with lots of love and of course a few DIY’s! 😉
Thanks again for following along,