Simple Farmhouse Christmas Tour 2018

Join me as we take a little walk through our home and I share how our family decorates in simplicity for this season. 
Welcome to our home… over the past couple of years I’ve learned to appreciate our home in a whole new way. And even as the Christmas season is upon us, I strive to make our home a warm and inviting place.

My home tour today is a simple one. It’s not extravagant and it’s much, much more than a building made out of walls, a roof and decor. It’s a place where my sweet family lives, where our loved ones gather, and where most of our memories are made.

A big thank you to Kelly from North Country Nest for organizing this home tour … I know a lot of work goes on behind the scenes but thank you for gathering this amazing group of ladies together! You’ll find all the other ladies sharing their homes at the end of my post.

Now come on in make yourselves at home… 

This is our living room and I added a faux garland to our fireplace, one of my favorite pictures of an old barn and some candlesticks. 

Like many other things around our home, my husband built this coffee table for me. It makes it all the more special when I know the hard work and love that goes into things. 

Around the corner from our living room is our office. This used to be our play room but now it’s because much more functional with our piano, a desk and a small couch in it. My husband built the shelves and they’re so fun to decorate for the different seasons. He also made the trees on the top shelf and I love how they turned out!

On the other side of our office is our piano and its gotten a workout these last few weeks. Our children both take piano lessons and I’ll never tire hearing them play. 

My office chair got a little sprig of red berries and I attempted some chalkart on the chalkboard my husband made for me but I’ll keep practicing! 😉 

Next, let’s take a peek into our kitchen and see what’s baking there… 

“Someone” had a birthday this past week and my husband baked this gingerbread cake for me! And yes, it was every bit as delicious as it looked!

This 3 tiered tray is a favorite little addition to our kitchen that I made using some things my mom threw in the garbage when they were moving a few years ago. You’ll have to take a peek back to read more about it. 🙂

Last week I also shared how I added some festive decor to our bedroom. A garland seems to instantly make any space cozier and I also added some extra throws and pillows.

Thank you SO much friends for stopping by today! It means so much to have you come to my little corner of blogland!! 

Be sure to stop by the rest of the ladies sharing their homes today and then stop by each day for the rest! I’m sure you’re in for a treat!

North Country Nest // Joy in Our Home // Postcards from the Ridge // Sand Dollar Lane // Town and Country Living


A Blue Nest // DIY Beautify // Making it in the Mountains // Twelve on Main


The Frugal Homemaker // A Tattered Pew // Virginia Sweet Pea


Aratari At Home // The Honeycomb Home // Life on the Bay Bush Blog // Frazzled Joy // Cozy Traditional Home

Wishing you all a really great week and enjoy this season to the fullest! 


  1. Cindy says:

    Kendra, I love all the personal touches in your home! Those items made by your husband in sure you will treasure forever!! Happy birthday!!! Your cake looked amazing!!!

  2. Debbie says:

    Would love to know where you got the picture of the barn you have hanging over your fireplace. Even who the artist is. Thank you.

    • Kendra says:

      Hi Debbie, I got the picture from Kirkland’s a year ago. It actually lights up around the barn and wreath…. the artist is Lori Deiter 🙂 I hope you can still find it! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

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